Following the state government’s welcomed announcement of $26 million for thoroughbred racing, Racing Queensland Chairman Steve Wilson AM says the first prize money increase of $18 million, effective 1 November 2018, will be a welcome boost for racing across Queensland with a particular focus on non-metropolitan racing to assist industry viability, competitiveness and participant cash flow.
Mr Wilson said: “This prize money boost will address one of the biggest challenges facing racing in Queensland; its ongoing viability, long-term sustainability and competitiveness with other racing jurisdictions across Australia.”
“I would again like to thank Racing Minister Stirling Hinchliffe and Treasurer Jackie Trad for their willingness to engage with Racing Queensland and industry participants on this important issue for the future of Queensland racing, which contributes $1.2 billion annually to the state economy.”
Mr Wilson said RQ and industry representatives from the harness and greyhound codes were in continued discussions about enduring funding for the viability and competitiveness of their codes.
CEO Brendan Parnell said RQ h ... [Read More]